9 research outputs found

    SMART: An Application Framework for Real Time Big Data Analysis on Heterogeneous Cloud Environments

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    International audienceThe amount of data that human activities generate poses a challenge to current computer systems. Big data processing techniques are evolving to address this challenge, with analysis increasingly being performed using cloud-based systems. Emerging services, however, require additional enhancements in order to ensure their applicability to highly dynamic and heterogeneous environments and facilitate their use by Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Observing this landscape in emerging computing system development, this work presents Small & Medium-sized Enterprise Data Analytic in Real Time (SMART) for addressing some of the issues in providing compute service solutions for SMEs. SMART offers a framework for efficient development of Big Data analysis services suitable to small and medium-sized organizations, considering very heterogeneous data sources, from wireless sensor networks to data warehouses, focusing on service composability for a number of domains. This paper presents the basis of this proposal and preliminary results on exploring application deployment on hybrid infrastructure

    Overview of tensor decompositions with applications to communications

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    International audienceTensors decompositions are powerful tools for modeling wireless communication systems and for solving problems such as blind/semi-blind equalization, source/user separation, and channel estimation. Tensors have received great attention over the past decade. In the context of communication systems, the basic motivation for resorting to tensor-based signal processing comes from the multidimensional nature of transmitted and received signals (typical dimensions are symbol periods, time blocks, space, frequency, coding, etc) which translates into more powerful uniqueness and identifiability properties compared with matrix-based signal processing. This chapter has overviewed tensor signal models for three types of systems. First, we have discussed a tensor-based space-time-frequency (TSTF) coding model for MIMO systems, which unifies the model of different space-time and space-time-frequency schemes derived previously. Second, we have presented some tensor models for cooperative communication systems with AF-based relaying. Third, the application of tensors to multidimensional array processing has been discussed, with a focus on the problems of multidimensional model order selection, prewhitening, and parameter estimation. As already said, tensor models/decompositions are very useful for representing multidimensional data in various fields of application. Among the hot research topics on tensors for future works, we can mention the development of methods for sparse low-rank tensor approximation using compressive sensing techniques, with possible application to sparse massive MIMO channel estimation in the context of cooperative communications

    Características das partes não-integrantes da carcaça de novilhos 5/8Nelore 3/8Charolês abatidos em três estádios de desenvolvimento Characteristics of non integrant parts of the carcass of 5/8 Nellore 3/8 Charolais steers slaughtered at three maturity stages

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    Foram avaliadas as características das partes não-integrantes da carcaça de novilhos 5/8 Nelore 3/8 Charolês terminados em confinamento e abatidos com 425, 467 e 510 kg. Os períodos de alimentação foram 30, 65 e 94 dias, respectivamente. A idade e peso médio iniciais foram de 660 dias e 361 kg, respectivamente. A dieta alimentar, com relação volumoso:concentrado de 60:40 com base na matéria seca (MS), continha 10,25% de proteína bruta e 3,18 Mcal de energia digestível/kg MS. De acordo com estimativa da equação de regressão, os rendimentos de carcaças quente e fria elevaram com o aumento no peso de abate (P). No entanto, quando expressos por peso de corpo vazio (PCV), houve similaridade entre os diferentes tratamentos. Quando os componentes foram expressos em valores absolutos, couro, total de componentes externos (TCE), fígado, total de órgãos vitais (TOV), total de gorduras internas (TGORD) e total de trato gastrintestinal vazio (TGVZ) apresentaram incremento com o aumento no P. Quando expressos por 100 kg de P e PCV, os componentes couro, TCE, fígado e TGVZ apresentaram similaridade; coração e TOV, decréscimo; e TGORD, acréscimo, com o aumento no P. Houve correlação positiva entre peso de fígado com consumo de matéria seca (r = 0,91) e com energia líquida de mantença (ELm) (r = 0,91) e entre TGORD com ELm (r = 0,78).<br>The characteristics of the body parts non-integrant of the carcass of 5/8 Nellore 3/8 Charolais steers feedlot finished and slaughtered with 425, 467 and 510 kg, were evaluated. The feeding periods were 30, 65 and 94 days, respectively. The average initial age and weight were 660 days and 361 kg, respectively. The diet, with 60% roughage and 40% concentrate dry matter basis (DM), contained 10.25% of crude protein and 3.18 Mcal of digestible energy/kg DM. According to regression equation estimate, the hot and cold carcass dressing increased as slaughter weight (SW) increased. However, when expressed per empty body weight (EBW), similarity among the different treatments was verified. When the components were expressed in absolute values, rawhide, total external components (TEC), liver, total vital organs (TVO), total internal fats (TFAT) and total empty gastrintestinal tract (TEGT) showed increase with increase in SW. When expressed per 100 kg of body weight and EBW, the rawhide, TEC, liver and TEGT components showed similarity; heart and TVO showed decrease; and TFAT showed increase, with increase in SW. Positive correlations between liver weight with dry matter intake (r=.91) and with net energy maintenance (NEm) (r=.91), and between TFAT with NEm (r=.78) were observed

    Desempenho de frangos de corte alimentados com ingrediente de alta digestibilidade nas fases de criação pré-inicial e inicial Performance of broilers fed with highly digestible ingredient in the prestarter and starter raising periods

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de dieta, com inclusão de um núcleo energético-proteico (NEP) de alta digestibilidade, no desempenho produtivo e características de carcaça de frangos de corte. O NEP constituiu-se de composto de óleo degomado de soja, milho pré-gelatinizado, soja biprocessada, mananoligossacarídeos e peptídeos. O total de 864 pintainhos machos, da linhagem AgRoss 508, com um dia de idade, foram pesados individualmente e distribuídos em blocos ao acaso. Os tratamentos consistiram de suplementos com diferentes teores de NEP, com oito repetições com 27 aves cada: T1, controle, 0% de NEP; T2, 7% de NEP (1-7 dias) e 3,5% de NEP (8-21 dias); T3, 14% de NEP (1-7 dias) e 7% de NEP (8-21 dias); e T4, 21% de NEP (1-7 dias) e 10,5% de NEP (8-21 dias). Aos 21 dias de idade, o peso corporal, ganho de peso, consumo médio de ração, conversão alimentar e rendimento de carcaça e cortes não foram afetados significativamente pelos tratamentos experimentais. A utilização de NEP na dieta de frangos de corte não altera o desempenho das aves e não interfere nas variáveis de características de carcaça.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the diet, with the inclusion of an energetic-protein nucleus (EPN) composed of highly digestible ingredients, on the productive performance and carcass traits of broiler chicks. The nucleus was composed by degummed soybean oil, pre-gelatinized corn, twice-processed soybean, mannanoligosaccharides and peptides. The total of 864 male AgRoss 508 broiler, with one day of age, were weighed individually and distributed in a randomized block design. Treatments consisted of: T1, control, 0% EPN; T2, 7% EPN (1-7 days) and 3.5% EPN (8-21 days); T3, 14% EPN (1-7 days) and 7% EPN (8-21 days); and T4, 21% EPN (1-7 days) and 10.5% EPN (8-21 days of age). At 21 days of age, body weight, weight gain, average feed intake, feed conversion and carcass and cut-ups yield were not significantly affected by treatments. The EPN inclusion in the diets did not influence the performance, carcass traits and cut-ups of broilers

    Efeitos da taxa de ganho de peso pré-desmama de bezerras de corte e do nível nutricional pós-parto, quando vacas, sobre a produção e composição do leite e o desempenho de bezerros Preweaning gain rate of beef heifers and postpartum nutritional level, as cows, on milk production and composition and performance of their calves

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    Foi estudada a taxa de ganho de peso de bezerras de corte na fase de aleitamento, do nascimento aos sete meses, e seu reflexo sobre o desempenho posterior, enquanto vacas. As taxas de ganho de peso avaliadas quando bezerras, durante o período pré-desmame, foram: baixa (menor que 350 g/dia) e moderada (maior que 350 g/dia). Quando vacas e após o parto, foram mantidas com seus bezerros até o desmame, em pastagem nativa (PN) ou pastagem cultivada (PC). As vacas, quando bezerras, foram pesadas ao nascer e aos sete meses de idade (desmame) e, quando vacas, foram pesadas, com seus bezerros nas primeiras 24 horas pós-parto; aos 14, 42, 70, 98, 126, 154, 182 dias; e ao desmame, que ocorreu com idade média dos bezerros de 228 dias. As avaliações da produção de leite e a coleta de amostras para avaliação da composição do leite foram realizadas nas mesmas datas das pesagens, com exceção do nascimento. Taxas de ganho de peso inferiores a 350 g/dia até os sete meses de idade não foram prejudiciais ao futuro peso das bezerras, em razão da compensação no peso que apresentaram na fase pós-desmama. Bezerras com taxas de ganho de peso menores que 350 g/dia até os sete meses de idade, enquanto vacas produziram maiores quantidades de leite (4,83 vs 3,71 L/dia), total de gordura (47,4 vs 35,9 kg), lactose (52,6 vs 39,7 kg), extrato seco total (140,4 vs 107,2 kg) e extrato seco desengordurado (94,8 vs 71,2 kg), e bezerros com maiores ganhos de peso (717 vs 617 g/dia) e mais pesados ao desmame (189,0 vs 166,1 kg) que as vacas que, quando bezerras, apresentaram taxas de ganho de peso acima de 350 g/dia.<br>The preweaning weight gain rate of beef heifers and its effects on their subsequent performance as cows, was studied. The weight gain rates evaluated as heifer calves before weaning were low (below 350 g/day) and moderate (above 350 g/day). As cows and after calving, they were kept together with their calves until weaning on native (NP) or cultivated pasture (CP). The cows while heifers were weighted at birth and at weaning with seven months. As cows they were weighted with their calves 24h after calving, at 14, 42, 70, 98, 126, 182 days postpartum, and at weaning when the calves reached average age of 228 days. The milk yield and the sampling for the evaluation of milk composition were taken at the same day of the weighing of the cows, with exception at birth. Weight rates below 350 g/day until seven months, did not affect the future weight of the heifers, due to compensatory gain after weaning. Heifers with weight gain rates below 350 g/day until seven month, as cows produced more milk (4.83 vs 3.71 L/day), total fat (47.4 vs 35.9 kg), lactose (52.6 vs 39.7 kg), total dry extract (140.4 vs 107.2 kg) and nonfat dry extract (94.8 vs 71.2 kg), calves with higher weight gain (717 vs 617 g/day) and heavier at weaning (189 vs 166.1 kg), than cows that showed as heifer-calves weight gain rates above 350 g/day